Saturday, December 31, 2011

While Away

   So I am really going to try to keep this thing updated more often, I love to write so I think this will be a great outlet for when I am not working on my stories, which I wont lie, I put on hold WAY too often!

   A LOT has gone on since I last wrote 2 blogs ago. Tons of drama in the family, though I still love them dearly! Also a life of a loved one was taken away. He is (wont use past tense!)  one of our best friends, my husband and mine. He is my husband’s younger brother and even though he was younger than my husband, he really looked up to him and of course loves him dearly. He passed on September 26th, 2011, but we know he is still here with us and always will be, he makes his presence known and I love that, even though it freaks me out some times! 

   Soon after we had a little fright with the baby, after the gender appointment we had to come in again and get another ultra sound done because they couldn’t get a good position to get a picture of the cord insert. So we come in again and they do their measurements and we love those ultra sounds, because we love seeing the baby and hearing how great of shape he’s in, but we go back to see one of my doctors afterwards and she says something about a urine flap and really confusing some thing we didn’t understand and that there was some thing wrong and the way she said it made it seem like the end of the world. This was right after we lost my brother-in-law so this was absolutely crushing. So we freak out about it, though she said it was common in boys and that it usually fixes it’s self and we have to come in for another ultra sound to get it checked again later. So we go in again and they couldn’t get a good enough position to measure and they send us back to one of my doctors again, this time a different one (I have rotating Dr’s). She tells us what it is, is that one of his kidneys are slightly swollen, but only very slightly and for all they know it could have been the cursor measuring wrong. So we have to go in for yet another ultra sound where they determined that every thing was perfect! All that stressing for nothing, but at least I got to see my baby a couple extra times! Here are some of the good pictures that we got from the ultra sounds!

Also we moved again, which I don't recommend doing while pregnant! I was so sore for days! 

   Also check out Pagan Culture's fun give away! Spellbinding Gifts, Post-Winter Solstice Goodies and Stuff... and these reading challenges!


   Also, one more thing... I know this blog is TOTALLY Random, but here is another fun idea by The Domestic Pagan called Follow My Blog Friday and this Friday's question is...

FF#1 Question: What are your New Year's Resolutions regarding your spiritual and magickal practice?

   My resolution is to get my ass in gear and study, study, study! To get more active with my practice and not to be lazy about it. I've been studying for 2 or 3 years now, I know still a baby in the craft, but it feels like I haven't really gotten far and I think it is because I mostly try to study and not be active about it. So that is my magickal resolution!

Here are the rules: 
  1. (Required) You must have a blog in order to add your name to the Linky Tools list. No it does not need to be a pagan blog. However it MUST be written by a pagan, be pagan friendly, or have something to do with witchcraft, Wicca, the occult, paranormal, magick, fantastical creatures such as fairies or dragons, mythology, nature, spirituality, or the metaphysical. The Linky list is only open for one week. After that there will be a new Linky list on my next Follow Friday post where you can add your blog.
  2. (Required) You may only add your own blog. Associating someone with a pagan blog listing is not cool and borders on "outing" them without permission.
  3. (Highly Suggested) It would be nice if you followed my blog (The Domestic Pagan).
  4. (Moderately Suggested) Answer the Follow Friday question in your post.
  5. (Optional) Add the Follow My Blog Friday banner to your blog.
  6. (Optional) Leave a comment on this post.

Much love ~


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Been Away

   I have been away for a while because of some thing tragic that has happened in our family and quite frankly I had lost all motivation for a while. I am starting to accept the "new normal" and trying to keep moving forwards. Our baby boy is healthy and due to arrive soon so that has brought a lot of light in.

ANY WAYS I happened upon a link while I was on my new google+ page looking at some of the pages I followed and it brought me to The Domestic Pagan blog. I saw a challenge they are holding for next year and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get my butt back in gear! Here is the link if you are interested, should be fun!

I don't know how to set links to pictures on this site, but if you click the link under the picture it will take you there! I will probably read about 10 books I think the next year since I will be busy with my first child, I don't think I could guarantee much more than that, but I will try my best to get in as many books in as possible!

Also another fun reading challenge by Pagan-Culture!