Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just an Update

   I know it has been kind of a while since I have updated and I haven't been really active lately. I have been having a hard time fitting every thing in a day with the baby and every thing, though I do have my free time I usually use it on some thing else which I need to start balancing things out a little better. I also plan on trying to catch up on the Pagan Blog Project before I get way too behind.

   We got pictures taken of our little baby Andrew and the photographer told us to get in for a couple pictures too, they turned out so nice! So here are just a few... (Phileo Photography: fb / website)

 I believe she puts this hat on for all her newborn photo shoots, so cute!

There are a lot more, but we are waiting for them all to  come in. ALSO I can't believe how strong our boy is! First of all he has been trying to hold his head up since the day that he was born, but he also already has rolled over a couple times and he holds his head up mostly on his own and he can hold himself up while he is on his tummy with his head and chest off the ground! He is only 5 weeks old! We went to his 1 month check up the other day and he rolled over and held his head and chest up and the pediatrician was amazed, she kept saying he shouldn't be able to do that stuff yet and that he should be just starting to try to hold his head up. Both my husband and I think that our brother (my bro-in-law) who passed away, which he is named after, helped him grow nice and strong. We think he help lend some energy in his growth. That's just what we believe though.

   I am really excited too, because my Grandmother-in-law (Gramma) and I are going to start learning more about the Native American believes and history. So I think it will be fun, since I haven't really been able to study or practice with any one yet and I think it is a lot more motivating when you have some one there that you can talk to and learn with.

   Also I am thinking about starting my own little cupcake business, I have so many fun ideas and some recipes that I thought up that would be really cool! So we will see how that works out!



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