Monday, January 16, 2012

Baby Shower and big Andrew's Birthday

   So we had our baby shower on Sat, Jan 14th and it was a lot of fun. My husband and I decided we wanted to do a coed baby shower and it made it awesome for both of us. A lot of people showed up, though I thought more family would, though I am not really surprised. I hardly ever see my dad's side and the only one who showed up was his parents; my granny and grandad. My dad and step mom wouldn't even show up. They pretty much declined as soon as invitations were set out and I am not surprised at that either. Oh well, what ever.

   The party was awesome and we got so many great things that are going to help out so much with our little baby boy. Some things we got that I absolutely LOVE was a blanket made by my Nana (Mom's mom) and a quilt made by my Granny (Dad's mom). Things like that are so precious to me, because they were hand made with care and they are things that can last a life time and I love that our little boy is going to have these blankets as memories of two of his great grandmothers.

   My mom and mother-in-law did a lot of work to get the party together and my sister-in-law got us such an awesome cake and made her own really cool cupcakes which she was really upset about because the cake got a little messed up and then my father-in-law made the cupcakes roll in their container and it ruined some of them. I told her not to worry about it though and they were still super awesome! We joked the whole night about the cake going through a cannon fight on its way over here.

My husband and i cutting the baby cake!

      Also today is my brother-in-law, who passed aways 21st birthday. So today we are going to celebrate his life. We were supposed to go to Vegas (well maybe not me, being this prego) for his birthday this year. Man, do we miss him, but we know he is doing good where he is and we know he comes and sees us all the time. I just wish he was here to hold and know his nephew. He was so excited to meet him.

1 comment:

  1. WOW what a fab looking Baby Shower...the cake is AMAZING! How blessed to have those blankets...heirlooms to be treasured through generations x
