Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I've Been Tagged!

I don't usually do these, but I thought it would be a fun way to get to know more people around here since I am still pretty new to the blogging community. For all those I tagged, feel free to do this or not, your choice of course! c:


Tag! I'm It!

Here is how it works:

1. Post these rules.

2. You must post 11 random things about yourself.

3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.

4. Create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.

5. Go to their blog and tell them that you have tagged them.

6. No stuff in the tagging section about ‘you are tagged if you are reading this.’ blah blah blah, you legitimately have to tag 11 people!


11 random things about me:
1) I am 22 years
2) I am still pretty new to paganism, between 2-3 years studying
3) I like video games.
4) I've got 7 piercings, labret, nose, and 3 in the ears
5) I've got 3 tattoos, a patchwork heart, a heart design on my ankle, and a tree that takes up over half my back
6) I'm a Leo and I never felt like I had the qualities of a Leo, except now they seem to be creeping up more.
7) I've been with the same guy for 7 years in May and we will have been married 2 in June
8) I love art of all forms
9) I love to sing though I am probably horrid at it.
10) My natural hair color is an auburny-copper color
11) I have 16 siblings: 1 older full blood brother, 7 younger half siblings, 4 step siblings, and 4 in-law siblings.
 11 Q's for me to answer from Kourtney

1) If you could transport yourself into any book, which one would it be and why? 
      -Probably a book like In Camelot's Shadow, I love the medieval era.
2) What did you want to be when you grew up?
      -The VERY first thing I wanted to be I think was a singer, I wanted to be a marine biologist in my jr high years, a photographer in my highschool to now years, and I always loved writing my own stories since I was little and still would love to do that for a living.
3) If you could go anywhere, this world or beyond, where would it be and why?
     -Norway, it is absolutely beautiful and I love it's history. Same with Ireland.
4) What decade or era do you think you belong in and why?
     -Medieval, because I always have had an obsession with that time period and before I was obsessed with that, I loved Ancient Egypt, but I don't think I would like living there.
5) Who inspires you in life and how?
     -My baby in my belly and my husband. My dogs inspire me to be more loving.
6) What is your greatest accomplishment? 
     -Losing 110 pounds and becoming a spokesperson for the diet I went on.
7) What is your most prized possession, holds the most memories or means the most to you?
     -I really value some of my books, my wedding ring and engagement ring are probably my most valued though, because they mean so much to me. Not because they are jewelry and expensive, but because of what they represent and that they are a precious gift of love and promise from my husband.
8) Do you have a favorite quote or mantra? What is it? 
     -Live and let live, because I am surrounded so much by people and family that just are very closed minded.
9) What is your favorite movie?
     -Beauty and the Beast and Ever After, I know... I'm a nerd, but I don't care!
10) What is your favorite mythical, fantasy type creature (i.e. vampires, unicorns, etc)
     -Probably hippogryphs, thanks to world of warcraft, lol!
11) If you had to debate one or the other... would it be politics or religion? 
     -I don't know much about politics, so probably religion. I enjoy debating religion as long as all are open minded when it comes to it, I like to hear other people's views and stuff on the matter.


My 11 Q's to those I tag...
(I really suck at these lol)

1) What is your favorite animal?
2) Do you have a totem animal, if so, what are they?
3) What is your favorite stone(s) to work with?
4) What are your favorite plant(s) to work with?
5) Do you have any patron deities? If so, who?
6) What is your favorite holiday?
7) What is your favorite fantasy book(s) or movie(s)?
8) What is your favorite pagan related book(s) or movie(s)?
9) What is your favorite number?
10) Do you prefer to work with a certain number?
11) How many pet's do you have? What are they?


Who I tagged, if you wish to participate:


  1. This was great to read a bit about You ☺
    Thanks for coming over to my blog too !
    I'm not sure if I can do this until next week but I will try .
    what a blessing to have so many siblings ! just awesome ☺
    lots of love

  2. Awesome!Feel free to do it when ever you have time to! c:
    Thank you!

  3. WOW! This was a MAJOR tag... & I loved reading your answers. Thanks for thinking of me. I think I'll just do a quicky answer here in your comments section to save some time (hope you don't mind!)

    1) What is your favorite animal?
    Monkeys of all kinds- I also love Elephants & have always had Cats

    2) Do you have a totem animal, if so, what are they?

    3) What is your favorite stone(s) to work with?
    Lapis Lazuli, Fluorite, Black Obsidian

    4) What are your favorite plant(s) to work with?
    Catnip, Mugwort, Lavender, any kind of mint, really

    5) Do you have any patron deities? If so, who?
    Nah... Does Jack White count? He's my rock God :OP

    6) What is your favorite holiday?
    I love em all!

    7) What is your favorite fantasy book(s) or movie(s)?
    Chocolat! Both the book & the movie :O)

    8) What is your favorite pagan related book(s) or movie(s)?
    The Inner Temple Of Witchcraft by Christopher Penczak

    9) What is your favorite number?

    10) Do you prefer to work with a certain number?
    Sometimes... I like odd numbers like 3... 7... 9... 13

    11) How many pet's do you have? What are they?
    Three. Two black cats (brothers), Stanley & Otis, & one obnoxious Siamese named Steve

  4. I don't mind c: I also like to work with odd numbers, they seem more magical to me for some reason. Though I have always liked even numbers growing up.

  5. Photography and Ireland... up me too! Thanks for participating! I'm loving reading some of the answers!

